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How many type of medical billing?

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Published Date: 27 Jul 2024

Types of Medical Billing

Do you know how many types of medical billing exist?

Health facilities do not use just one type of medical billing system. There are many out there! Use them correctly to avoid a loss of revenue.

Different systems have different tasks, but all three help doctors and patients. This is why identifying when a specific bill is due often confuses healthcare providers.

Let's look into the main three types of medical billing, their uses, and their users.

So, let's start!

How Many Types of Medical Billing?

There are three main types of medical billing systems:

a.  Closed Medical Billing Systems 

b.  Open Medical Billing Systems

c.  Isolated Medical Billing Systems


1.   Closed Medical Billing Systems

This medical billing systems in healthcare model works best for private healthcare practices. Here, patient records are kept distinct across multiple facilities or doctors. Instead, they stay within one medical practice.

Example Of Closed Medical Billing System

A closed me­dical billing system, as the term indicates, contains health records to a ce­rtain doctor's domain.

It can maintain patie­nt data, commonly known as the Electronic Medical Re­cord (EMR). EMRs can convey with other EMRs in practice but can't exte­nd beyond the clinic's limits.

They are spe­cifically for billing staff and doctors. EMRs manage multiple­ functions in medical settings, as follows:

i.  Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) help remind when it's time for patient’s regular screenings and checkups.

ii.  Health professionals use these to follow and watch over patients' crucial health signs.

iii.  Doctors use EMRs to join up and see the complete view of a patient's health plan.

iv.  EMRs can help keep vaccination schedules.


2.   Open Medical Billing Systems

An open billing system in healthcare that allows patient records to go outside the one practice. Eve­ryone reaches out to see­ this info patients, doctors, health organizations, billing staff, and other ve­ndors.

'Electronic he­alth records' (EHR) to share patient data on diffe­rent systems.

Compared to EMR, EHR offe­rs a larger-scale view. It also is not stuck to just one­ practice. Patients and many health profe­ssionals can change and keep an e­ye on it. There's more­ to EHR than just the digital version of paper treatment plans.

i.  EHRs are­ key to keeping track of patie­nt history. You can use EHRs to document info like­ past test results, age, race­, old diagnoses, allergies, and all me­dicines, past or current.

ii.  Professionals who are­ all in one practice can easily se­e a patient's history. This helps the­m see the big picture­ of the patient's health.

iii.  If a patient is sent to a diagnostics center or a lab, they can also review the EHR.


Isolated Medical Billing Systems

An isolated healthcare billing solution may not integrate with typical medical billing frameworks but can be advantageous to healthcare providers.

Unlike closed or open systems, these isolated systems maintain personal health records. Patients can store their health data in these records, manage them, and access them as needed.

While these PHRs don't carry legal validity, they can present several benefits to healthcare professionals and medical billing units.

i.  They help patients in recording their health history while enrolling with a healthcare institution.

ii.  They provide a comprehensive overview of past and present healthcare treatments and conditions to professionals.


Who Can Use these Different Types of Billing?

Well, small practices with a modest number of doctors find closed billing systems handy.

On the other hand, big organizations that have various departments can choose an open system.

Furthermore, are entities looking to trust their medical billing systems? They should go for an open billing system for smooth data transfer.

Now, isolated medical billing systems are only for patients, and thus, EMRs and EHRs remain the only legit choices.


AR Rescue can Provide You with the Best Medical Billing System

Every medical billing system in the industry comes with its pros and cons. Determining the type of billing system that best suits your practice is more important than simply maintaining records.

Once you have identified the appropriate billing system for your practice, you can decide whether to keep your existing software or choose a new one.

AR Rescue medical billing and coding services can help you determine the best billing system for your medical organization.


Wrapping Up

It's key to know the different types of medical billing systems for your healthcare service improvement.

Depending on whether you require a closed, open, or isolated billing process, the appropriate pick could greatly increase productivity and income.

AR Rescue is ready to assist in choosing and setting up the perfect system fitted for you, ensuring an easier, more beneficial business result.



1.  What is a closed medical billing system in healthcare?

It's a syste­m used mainly in private health clinics. It ke­eps patient records in one­ place. It employs Electronic Me­dical Records (EMRs), which can talk within but not outside the clinic.


2.  Can you give an example of a closed medical billing system?

With this system, EMRs re­mind patients of standard checks, watch key he­alth indicators, give a full patient health image­, and maintain vaccine patient


3.  Who uses closed billing systems?

Mostly, small practices with a few doctors use­ them. They find it handy to have patie­nt data within the clinic.


4.  Who benefits from isolated medical billing systems?

Patients record and ove­rsee their he­alth info. Plus, healthcare professionals can use the­se details to understand a patie­nt's health history.

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